ma ptite femme d'amour (l)
my wife always (l)
dans tes yeux je vois l'aube éternelle
un éclat de soleil qui s'éteint jamais
ton amour (l) est une flamme qui brule en moi
éclairant mon chemin vers l'infini
jet'aimeeeeeeeeeeeee (l) my always love d'amour (l) à moi
bonjour Scarleen
tout et magnifiques avec les éffets
il fait bien chaud
on se met au frais
bon Mardi Agréable
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poéme gotik
Monks who came to us from Gothic horizons, But whose soul, but whose spirit dies tomorrow, Who relegate love to your mystical gardens To purify it of all human pride, Firm, you advance along the roads of men, Eyes hallucinated by the fires of hell, From ancient times to this day, In the ages of silver and centuries of iron, Always with the same priestly and broad step. Only you survive tall in the dead Christian world, Alone without bending your back you carry the load Like a royal corpse at the bottom of a golden coffin. Monks – oh! seekers of sublime chimeras Your cries of eternity cross the tombs, Your mind is haunted by the glow of the peaks, You are the bearers of crosses and torches Around the divine ideal that we bury.